Wednesday, 22 February 2012

We are moving house so to speak

Thats me on the right telling the reporter Phiip Lack from
3 Counties Radio what's wrong with this bridge
Well actually I'm already fed-up with Facebook too as I still can't compose the content that I want to. So what I'm going to do is this: I'm going to start a website on WordPress. I need a website anyway to create a permanent index to different bridges and their content, I can use the blog facility in WordPress to create the frequently updated blog. For all you as yet unnumbered Facebook users and however many it is that are just looking or  following on Blogspot, I should be able to add a hyperlink to the website for you all to see the latest actual content that bypasses the restriction on photos and so on that I find in both Blogspot and Facebook. I just need to learn how to use WordPress now and set it up. Another rapid learning curve!

Thank goodness that I have at least found out that I can use my voice recognition software to dictate the text to this. It's called Dragon NaturallySpeaking and it will type text probably 30 times faster than I can type it and 20 times more accurately. Good stuff! I'm getting to like all this technology. Who says an old dog can't learn new tricks?  I still can't get the damn photos to upload though! It looks like I just have.

This is a glaring example of what's wrong with some bridges safety fence connections!
In this case the plate has been bent cold (without heat) & fitted by the contractors (only about 4 years ago) with a huge crack running through it.  The bigger bolts on the left are too short to engage the threads in the nut to enough depth to be useful.  The smaller bolts on the right are all completely loose or finger tight.  This was how it has been left by the contractor who must have had a "Safety Fence Erection Licence" to do the the job as part of the £25M upgrade of Junction 14 a few years ago.  I have reported this 4 times since early 2009 to get it fixed under warranty.  As of last week it was still the same.

1 comment:

  1. Hi George, finally found your blog and have read some of the entries. This latest one looks pretty good to me presentation wise and does seem to get the message across! But you're absolutely right, Blogger (Blogspot) does have restrictions. I also found it quite frustrating to use. I don't have experience of WordPress but have always understood it to be more flexible. Your process with Blogspot is not lost as it's all a learning curve on how to present a succinct message - this blog is a diary about grappling with the interface, and the next one will be about the bridges!!! All the best and will help out where I can.
