Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Special posting to see if Lesley is following

This is a new safety fence (from the bottom RH corner) connecting to a an existing bridge paprapet on the H5 Portway obver the West Coast railway line.  You can see that there isn't a plate connection between the 2 elements and that the contractor who fitted the new safety fence has left it propped up with 3 bits of timber!!!


  1. Yes George I have got it in my reading list on the Blogger Dashboard, but not as an email.

    Another good picture.


  2. I donn't know what the Site Supervisor/QC function?QS or whatever was thinking of to let this pass!

  3. I think you get email notificaton of comments but not new posts? You're going to get another email for this one hopefully. Alerting the blog owner to comments is a different function to alerting everyone else about new posts.
