Monday, 5 March 2012

David takes on Goliath

There are now 21 , 16,  13 days until David (me) takes on Goliath (my former employer mouchel, their solicitor, their barrister etc.) at an Employment Tribunal in Bedford on March 26th, which would have been my 24th wedding anniversary. This is for unfair dismissal for whistle-blowing (dressed up as a redundancy). It is open to the public, so come along and watch/listen. I am having to represent myself as I couldn't pay for a good solicitor and legal aid let me down.

The issues over which I whistle-blew (15 times) are serious concerns over the management incompetence and physical maintenance of our 1200 plus bridges here in Milton Keynes. I now strongly suspect a cover up from start to finish. However, since there has recently been published an audit on my concerns which took 16 months to complete, and which completely vindicated and validated what I had been pointing out all along, the matter is now in the public eye although naturally mouchel and their client Milton Keynes Council who have the legal duty for the care & maintenance of the majority of MK's bridges, are trying to keep the whole thing quiet.

Thats why I started the blog site and also on Facebook to keep things very much in the public eye. Pressure of time preparing and fighting my tribunal case as well as still seeking work and income combined with the learning curve of the blogspot software have so far slowed that effort down. Not many people have signed up to follow it and the content has been minimal but I hope to accelerate that over the next week.

We know what happened to Goliath, don't we?  I will be out for slingshot practice most evenings now!

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